School Uniform Term Paper

I’m sure if you were to ask any group of students enrolled in an ordinary public school what is one rule that you most disagree with at your school, at least half of them would mention the dress code. All schools have some kind of dress code in their code of conduct. Although the dress codes at different schools may vary, all students seem to feel the similarly about the idea of dress codes. What students fail to realize and even I as a student in public schools, is that dress codes are put into order not only for presentation, but for their education and safety. Although there are consequences for not abiding to the dress codes, students still remain to disobey and challenge the code. For these reasons uniforms should be enforced at public schools. For several years there have been rumors of uniforms coming to play in public schools, unfortunately these rumors have not amounted to much, but school uniforms in a couple of elementary schools. I feel uniforms will help a lot of problems going on in schools from violence to academics.

Students love to go to school to show off their clothes especially at the beginning of the year when it’s back to school time and when they get back for Christmas break. Many students act like school is just a fashion show where they can see who has on what and who doesn’t . This is one of the main problems in schools because instead of being focused on there class work and homework their more worried about theirs and someone else’s clothes and what their going to wear the next day. This is also a problem for the students who aren’t as fortunate to have nice clothes like their peers and are teased and humiliated because of the fact that they can’t afford to dress like others. These problems can lead to many consequences not only for those who are focused on clothes but also those who are teased, such as poor grades, lack of self-esteem, and sometimes violence. If school uniforms are enforced these consequences would decrease a great deal.

Violence is a major issue in schools today. Both the way males and females dress contribute to thus issue. Unfortunately students as young as elementary age are in gangs, and like most gang members they wear certain colors representing their “gang”. When they wear these colors to school and there is another student part of another “gang” wearing his/her colors this may cause a conflict resulting in violence. Although enforcing uniforms would not totally stop this kind of violence it can somewhat hinder it somewhat, by everyone wearing the same thing and not causing the questioning of someone being a part of a “gang”. Gang violence is not the only form of violence in schools rape and sexual harassment is also very popular. Dress codes are mainly directed to females for their safety. Many female students are taken advantage of not only by male students but also faculty because of what they wear. Even I as a student in schools disagreed with the dress code, but after seeing how some people’s minds even adults are perverted made me want to cover up more. Many females are violated physically, emotionally, and mentally, from obscene gestures and comments made because of their appearance. School uniforms can help to stop these things from happening.

In conclusion enforcing school uniforms will facilitate an increase in academics and a decrease in violence. With school uniforms students will feel much safer and will be more concentrated on there grades rather than fashion. Although students may be upset at the fact they have to wear uniforms they’ll discover that it is the best for them. Hopefully uniforms will be enforced so that there can be a positive turn around for the problems that are within schools today.

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